Some of our clients produce some great content. They tell the stories of how they got into their chosen profession, why they set up their businesses and why they are passionate about the work they do. This inspires us and builds our trust. They are the right people to work with. As Simon Sinek says in his great TED talk: “All businesses know what they do, some even know how but very few know why”

All businesses know what they do, some even know how but very few know why.

Simon Sinek

Marketing works best if your customers understand why you do what you do. This can be voiced through written content or even better, through video.

The aim of Inbound Marketing is to create useful content that attracts visitors to your website, educates them on the services you offer and establishes you as an expert in your profession. Building this trust can convert leads into customers, and customer (when they say good things about you) to ongoing promoters of your business.

What tools should I use?

You most likely already use many tools and services to promote your business from social networks, publishing news or blogs on your website, sending email and newsletters and google analytics to measure performance.

What is going on?

The difficulty is proving the ROI for these efforts. We have found it tricky to measure the performance of our marketing activities across many platforms. In a small business this takes a lot of time and is often passed between team members depending on their workload and skillset. We had no proof of return on our investment (ROI).

What we did and what we’re doing now to improve

We build all sorts of digital products so our first port of call was to build our own CRM (Customer Relationship Manager platform). We called it ‘Leads’. Leads allowed us to list all our potential clients in a database; to document the stage of their buyer journey (Do they have a project? If so, when?) and record what sector they work in and so on. This was primarily to be used by our outbound sales team when approaching new business. This seemed logical, not too costly for us to build and would give us a vision of our pipeline.

The issue was it became a lot of work to manage such a large amount of data entry and there were holes. What is someone phoned the office, sent an email, would this be entered into the system? It could be missed and unless everything is recorded accurately the data becomes useless. Leads was only focussing on the CRM & Sales - we were missing the marketing element.

To solve this we decided to move to an all-in-one platform called Hubspot that provides all the tools to help with producing content, SEO, social media, email, landing pages, marketing automation, web analytics and more. Everything happens in one place.

You may already use a CRM. There are some big names on the market such as Hubspot and Salesforce. We work in many sectors with businesses of all size and age. We often see the same challenges arise again and again as their data becomes difficult to manage and monitor especially as they grow.

The result: Combine your website with an all-in-one platform that covers CRM, Marketing & Sales.

If you’ve invested in building a great website why not use it to its full potential so you can reach your financial goals and answer important questions such as:

  • Do you know where your best leads are coming from?
  • Is your company ranking for relevant search words and are your competitors?
  • Are there marketing tools you haven't tried? (You could be missing a trick)
  • Where will we see value in marketing spend next year?
  • What are our competitors doing and how do we compare

Marketing can be daunting, it is continually evolving and getting smarter. To help you stay ahead of your competition we can help answer these questions.

People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it

Simon Sinek
Profile photo of Dave Adcock

Have a project you'd like to discuss? Speak to Dave